An accredited preschool in Colleyville, TX
serving students ages 18 months through Transitional Kindergarten
Food Allergies
All licensed child care centers require a food allergy emergency plan for each child with a diagnosed food allergy. The required food allergy emergency plan must be signed and dated by the child's health care professional and the child's parent. In addition, a copy of the child's food allergy emergency plan must be kept in the child's file and displayed in the center.
Bear Valley Academy is a peanut-free campus.

Food allergies affect 1 in every 13 children, and nearly 40 percent of children with food allergies have a history of a severe reaction. We strive to make our school a safe place for all students. Find out more about managing food allergies at school here.
Frequently Asked Questions about Food Allergy Procedures
Q: My child has a very mild peanut allergy that has been diagnosed by his pediatrician. My child is able to eat peanut butter and has never had an allergic reaction from peanuts. Am I still required to complete a food allergy emergency plan?
A: Yes. A food allergy emergency plan is required for all allergies that have been diagnosed, regardless of sensitivity and severity.
Q: My child has a intolerance to red food dye. I have spoken to my child's pediatrician regarding the intolerance, but the pediatrician did not establish a diagnosis. Am I still required to complete a food allergy emergency plan?
A: Only diagnosed food allergies require a formal food allergy emergency plan; however, if your child has a food intolerance, that does not produce life-threatening reactions, we will work with you to monitor the child's diet while at school.
Q: My child has multiple diagnosed food allergies. Do I need to provide a separate food allergy emergency plans for each food allergy?
A: If the child's food allergies present similar symptoms and are remedied with the same medication, they can be included on the same food allergy emergency plan. If the child's food allergies present different symptoms, levels of severity or different medications and dosages, consider separate plans.
Q: I have completed all the necessary admission paperwork for my child to begin school, but I will not be able to see the pediatrician before my child's first day. Can I send in the food allergy emergency plan after their first day of school?
A: We are required to obtain a complete food allergy emergency plan before admitting a child who has a diagnosed food allergy. Depending on your health care provider, you may be able to receive a food allergy emergency plan electronically.