An accredited preschool in Colleyville, TX
serving students ages 18 months through Transitional Kindergarten
Pre-K Purple
Pre-K Gold
4 Years
We understand that the things your child learns in Pre-Kindergarten are vital to equipping them for Kindergarten, and we strive to make sure each child gets personal attention and is growing in their skills, both academically and socially. This is a great classroom for any 4 year-old preparing for Kindergarten that needs a 3 or 4-day per week program. We provide a fun and challenging learning environment for both children who are attending preschool for the first time and those who have been in preschool before!
Our days are filled with lots of developmentally appropriate activities including:
Morning circle time
Story time
Process art projects
Being part of a group
Hands-on learning activities
Learning letters and phonics
Number recognition and counting
Reading a calendar
Learning the Pledge of Allegiance
Writing practice
Sensory activities
Name recognition and writing
Playing games and
Singing songs and dancing!
Program Options:
3 days per week
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
4 days per week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday